Cabin Checkup

There hasn't been a lot of news on the homefront regarding the Marshalls' cabin lately. The fact is, they have been so extremely busy this year that there really hasn't been much time for that type of activity. "I'm still working on projects upstairs, especially the ceiling in the 'Great Room'", Bro. Marshall said. "I'm trying to work on projects that we already have the material for." It certainly has been a very busy year for the family. They were gone an average of two weeks per month for the first three months of the year. April wasn't much better, as they had folks visiting and a revival meeting at their home church one week. May looks a little more promising, but they already have been gone twelve days so far. "We will be home for about a month now", Joanna says. "It will be nice to catch up on things around here, not only with the business, but on the house." She expressed a desire to get her flower garden in order. The Marshalls' lack of funds and unusually hectic schedule has hampered work on the cabin for a long time. They made a big push in the fall for Thanksgiving, when eight of the ten children were home visiting. Since that time, the only help they have had has been from a young man in their church, James Deavers. "James has extra time on his hands, and he's really helped me out a lot recently", Bro. Marshall related. "He is a very faithful guy in our church and he comes around a lot....we put him to work", he laughs. More drywall has been going up in the past month. Bro. Marshall almost has the ceiling completely sanded and sealed. There is still a long way to go, but every day they are seeing progress. "Summer is coming...we'll hit it again", Bro. Marshall quips. Always pays to look on the bright side.