Babysitting 101
You have to be on your toes, ready to go around here. You never know when God might plant an opportunity in the soil of everyday schedule--and then you better grab your hoe and watering can!
Recently the Lord has allowed us to hone up on our babysitting skills. The young couple that Dad and Mom Marshall have been dealing with for several years now have found us to be reliable babysitters and have taken advantage of the free offer. We have been blessed to have a part in Lexie and Braden's lives. Lexie has returned home with new songs to sing, verses to quote, and much training developed in her life. Braden is still too young to understand who we are, but he knows he gets good food and lots of hugs and kisses from his "Grandparents" and "Aunts".
To add to our experience in the Babysitting Department, we have had the chance to watch two other kids whose family is going through a very difficult trial. Brittney and Ryan are still not sure if we are quite sane, but they seem to have a real good time at our place.
VBS came and went with a big bang this year. We had the joy of picking up quite a few kids from our road and getting them safely to Independent Baptist Church for our week of Vacation Bible School. The week was busy: babysitting during the day, Brian (Moore) and Dad working on the house with one or two of the girls occasionally joining in, and VBS in the evenings. In fact, it was one of our busiest weeks yet!
To add to the excitement, Pat and Mary Cassidy came with their seven daughters one day. They spent one night with us and then had to leave the following morning. Pat used to travel with us and he has become known as Dad and Mom's "oldest son". He lent his help to Dad and Mary and the girls were a real blessing in the kitchen.
Like we said, you never know when God may rearrange your schedule. Don't miss the opportunity!