God Filled This Date

Sunday services several weeks ago were a special uplift. We had not even had the date filled, but when Pastor Beatty called to schedule more voice lessons for his kids, the word got out that we were available to come. And that's how we found ourselves at the Flatwoods Baptist Church in Flatwoods, West Virginia. Sunday School was a little rough for us all, as we could hardly keep awake after our two hour Sunday morning drive. We were hoping the Sunday School teacher wasn't noticing our "try-to-keep-awake-in-Sunday-School" tricks. The real blessing came when the invitation was given during Worship service. A couple was in attendance who had not been in church for some time. With them was their son, who was not at all happy about the arrangement. During the invitation, they came forward to rededicate their lives to the Lord's service. There was much weeping and rejoicing at the altar. At the end of the service, who should come forward but the son. He gave his life to Christ that day--and once again, there was rejoicing! The evening crowd was much smaller, but we had a wonderful time of praising and thanking the Lord in testimony and song. A missionary from the Shepherds Home in Long Grove, Wisconsin, presented his work. Dad preached again and we sang again. At the end of the sercive we had to do a couple of silly songs, at the request of (gasp!) Pastor Beatty. (It wouldn't be a meeting with Bro. Paul Beatty if we didn't have "Silly Songs with Bro. Paul"!) It sure is fun to watch God fill your schedule!