
Our vacation had been planned for several months. It was in our datebook in black and white. Supposedly. The last week of August we headed to New York, planning to spend some time with our friends, the Charlie Barkowski Family. Although it was suppposed to be a time of relaxation, apparently only Dad got the message. He slept peacefully while the rest of us dashed about, running to various key spots--such as the Salvation Army, Wal-mart, and Kohls. Who said you had to sit around on your vacation? The Barkowskis have always been a real boost to our spirits. They freely and frequently open up their home to us, never making us feel unwelcome. Their home has become a haven to which we are glad to escape when we have the opportunity. The days flew by, but we still had plenty of time for good food, comfortable beds, friendship, love, laughter, and even an infamous game of Balderdash. Wednesday evening we ministered at the Old Paths Baptist Church. A special blessing came when Mrs. Barkowski was able to lead Lakisha to the Lord. (Lakisha has been traveling with us for several weeks.) Everyone commented on the immediate change we noticed in her countenance. She began to display a cheerful attitude which had not been present before. Pastor Jay Folk and Pastor Joe Cammilleri came by to visit, along with other friends from Old Paths and the surrounding areas. Every once in a while we need to unwind and just be the nuts we really are. We are truly grateful that the Barkowski Family allows us to do just that.