November Notes
Nov. 3: Our church was kicking off their Missions month today and we were actually here to be a part...for a nice change. Dad preached all of the services and we sang. We enjoyed a delectable meal at our pastor's house along with fine fellowship.
Nov. 6-8: The trio headed off on their own this week to West Chester, Pennsylvania, to be with Pastor Mike Keenan and the Old Paths Baptist Church. They provided special music for the Fall Revival with Bro. Tom Fellure. Over the years we have been in a total of three different churches where Bro. Keenan pastored. The Lord is blessing their new church and school. The family has grown and changed, but it was great to see they have not quit.
The girls made it home with a few days to spare to prepare for another trip.
Nov. 12-15: Once again we were with Pastor Randall Larry and the Victory Independent Baptist Church in Keyser, West Virginia, for their Fall Revival. Several pastors we know well came to the Preachers' Fellowship on Tuesday morning. Other churches we have been to brought members for some of the evening services. The pastor and his family had had a rough year, and we pray that we were a blessing to them and to the folks there at Victory.
It was a busy week for Dad, Mom, and Grady. They returned home several times to continue working on the cabin in preparation for our big Thanksgiving Bash. We'll never know how they managed to survive the week--but somehow they did.
Upon our return, we caught up on things at home. Grady's family stopped in for a short visit. They helped a great deal on the cabin, for which we were truly grateful. We had a great time singing and playing instruments with them.
Nov. 19: The Rowes came with us to the King James Bible Church in Terra Alta today. We had a great day with Pastor Billy Foster and his church family. Dad preached, as well as Bro. Rowe, and all the kids sang. A visiting pastor's family sang, as well. They added a special blessing to the day.
During testimony time, one young girl passed out in the middle of a sentence. You can imagine the commotion that caused! Thank the Lord, she was fine. What a time of testimony we had that afternoon!
In the evening we attended services at our church. Evangelist Larry Clayton, an old friend of Dad's from Bible college days, preached in the service tonight. It was so nice to see him again. In our early days of travel, we met up with the Claytons and did some meetings together. What a host of memories we have of those days!
Nov. 24: We were thrilled to be a part of our cousin's wedding on this day. Amy Marshall and Chris Long were married in Morgantown, West Virginia, at 7pm on Friday. Sharon, Jonathan, and Matthew and their families came for the occasion. The three girls and Sharon did most of the music and Dad, Jonathan, and Matthew were the cameramen. Chris and Amy had been faithful to the Lord, waiting on Him to bring the right one for them. It was quite moving to watch the Lord bring to fruition His plan for their lives.
Grady Rowe left us this week, after having put up with us for about four months this year. He was a great asset to us in the music department, as well as helping a great deal on the house and running errands for Dad. We thank the Lord for him and his willing spirit during his stay with us. He gave us a real boost during a wild schedule and we wish him well wherever the Lord may lead him in the future.
Nov. 26-29: After our great Thanksgiving week was over and the last visitor had left, we scrambled around the cabin cleaning up. The van was packed and we headed out to Latrobe, Pennsylvania. Ted, Sharon, and Teddy followed us and spent the night and then the morning services with us. Sharon sang with us on a couple songs. She seemed to fit back in with minimal difficulty--even though we haven't sung much together in two years.
Pastor Matt Schwender and the Bible Baptist Church received our ministry warmly. Dad preached along with Evangelist Randy Taylor, Jr. The church was very friendly and there was a good response at the altar. We were glad to be with this enthusiastic group!
Our schedule will not be slowing down too much the next month or two. We have several Christmas programs this month along with a service at a prison. Please pray for our meetings as we continue on in the ministry to which we are called.