Spring Schedule
Wednesday-Sunday, March 21-25th: Our family meeting with Pastor James Waldeck and the Bible Baptist Church in Belva, West Virginia, went very well. The church family seemed hungry for help on the family and music. By the end of the meeting, the pastor even had his guitar out, and promised to begin working on it once again. Now that was real revival!
We are grateful to the Witter and Young families for hosting us out at their place. To be honest, we wondered the first night if we'd ever make it there! For those of you who have visited our home and think that we live out in the middle of nowhere, try visiting this place! It was fun hearing Mom squeal every little bit, especially if Dad was at the wheel. And yes, we made it safely to church and back every night. They allowed us to ride their four-wheeler while we were there, as well...Mom's screams were heard by all, but she didn't fall off or anything. (whew...)
On Saturday evening the church hosted a teen rally. Around six or seven other churches arrived and packed out the building. There was a Bible quiz along with the regular singing and preaching, and then a fellowship afterwards for everyone (of course, food was included). We enjoyed seeing Pastor Paul Beatty and his family from Flatwoods Baptist Church.
It was a treat to be with Bible Baptist and we trust that the Lord continues to use the Word to bring forth fruit from the meeting.
Sunday, April 1: Pastor Brian Korner and his family have been at the Grace Independent Baptist Church only about a year, but they are already seeing much growth. We were pleased to be with them for their Anniversary service on this day in Slocum Township. Many visitors came and the lost heard the Gospel. There was a meal after the morning services--of which all who partook were greatly enlightened. Dad preached in the evening service, and once again we sang. Since there was so much food left over, we ate again after the evening service, also. The trip home was made that night...we arrived home barely conscious.
Sunday, April 8th: Easter was not what most of us expected--snow in April? For Easter Sunday? Oh, well. The three ladies still made their way to Mt. Vernon, Ohio. Dad and Mom stayed home on this particular journey, so the three had to fend for themselves. Pastor Bill Fennell and his church family at the Mt. Vernon Baptist Temple certainly outdid themselves in making sure that we felt at home. Besides the comfortable hotel room, there was a huge fruit basket, a delicious meal Sunday afternoon at the home of the pastors' parents, and another wonderful meal after the evening service, besides a generous love gift. We provided music for their early Worship service at 8:30 am, then again at 10:30 am. Many visitors were in attendance, and two were saved in the morning services. We sang a little extra music for the evening service.
We made it home the next day, although there was a quick shopping trip on the way home. (Mostly business, though...ahem.) Moving on...