A Bit of News
April 15: The weather was still not really "Spring" weather when we made our way to Hamburg, PA, and the Faith Bible Baptist Church where Erich Schmidt is the pastor. In fact, he had almost canceled the meeting as a famous "Nor'easter" was supposedly sweeping into the area. Praise the Lord, it passed by and we were able to keep our appointment. We arrived Saturday evening (after frantically wrapping things up at home) and headed to the Magners home, a family in the church. They prepared a delicious meal of deep-fried turkey with all the trimmings. It's always nice when the folks you stay with are chefs! The three girls stayed with the Magner family and Dad and Mom headed to a hotel.
Attendance was up on the morrow and we had good services all day. We sang in the morning, and then in the evening Dad preached and we sang again. As well, we sang a couple of Julia's songs with a group of ladies in the church. Faith Bible Baptist always treats us right and we were thankful to be able to share a Sunday with them.
April 16-18: We had to get going early the next morning and head to Dalton, OH. Apparently the one who scheduled this meeting didn't realize how far the trip would take--a total of six hours. A famous line around here when the traveling is extra tiring or the directions are especially diffictult to decipher is: "Who scheduled this meeting, anyway?"
Don't worry, we made it to Dalton and met at an Amish restaurant with Pastor Dave Greegor and his family, along with Evangelist Steve Pigott. (Of course, this was only after a considerable amount of cell phone calls to determine exactly where we were supposed to be.) We dashed about setting up the P.A. and getting ready. The service went well in spite of all that. It was good to be with Bro. Pigott again. It has been quite a while since we've been in a meeting with him. Jim and Joan Freeman came to the services...long time friends of the family. Our fellowship was short but sweet.
Pastor and Mrs. Greegor graciously took us on a tour of the surrounding area. We saw a lot of the Amish countryside, stopped at a cheese shop and other authentic Amish stores, and took a few minutes to check out the "Simply Smuckers" shop just down from our hotel. On another day the girls went horse-back riding and managed to keep from falling off the horse. (Quite tricky there!)
We enjoyed the fellowship nightly at the Greegors home. Bro. Pigott kept us in stitches. Bro. Greegor's son, Seth, shared some of his Ginger Ale which proved to be a real source of amusement for all! (You'll have to try some of it sometime.) The services lasted Monday through Wednesday evening. Folks seemed to be blessed with the music.
April 22-27: Our home church--Independent Baptist in Kingwood, WV--was having their annual Spring Revival this week. Evangelist Matt Friend was here all week. We sang all day on Sunday, then Mom and the girls joined the other ladies on another special on Monday evening. Though there weren't as many visitors out as in previous years, we believe the saints were edified. One young man was saved and another lady received assurance of her salvation. We pray the services will have encouraged our church "to take the next step" for God.
During the week, the Cassidy Family, missionaries to Malawi, stopped in for a short visit. It was great to see them again. They stayed over an extra night and fellowshipped with us during a meal we served for Pastor Cumberland and his wife, their two grandkids, and Bro. Friend. We discovered that we better get a bigger table for the many guests we entertain throughout the year!
April 29: Dad & Mom made a trip to the King James Bible Church in Terra Alta, WV for this Sunday's meeting. Dad preached and they both sang.
Meanwhile, the threesome had left Thursday of the previous week for a time of relaxation in Richmond, VA. They went to visit their cousin, Amy Long, and her new husband, Chris. They toured Museums around the Richmond area, a huge pottery factory and the Yankee Candle Company, and stopped for a while in Colonial Williamsburg. Chris and Amy were gracious hosts and wonderful tour guides. It was nice to see their new little nest and visit their home church. The girls returned home refreshed and encouraged. They are becoming regular gadabouts!
As we head into May, our schedule will pick up a bit. We're happy to keep busy for the Lord Jesus Christ!