June Update

Friday, June 1: We started the month off with a Teen Banquet at Mountain Lake Independent Baptist Church in Oakland, Maryland. Bro. Matt Friend, the youth pastor, and Pastor Dennis Leatherman did a great job heading up the program. The theme was "Just For a Moment" and we sang several songs, including that one. It was sweltering in the cafeteria, but we quickly retired to the auditorium for the service. We trust the songs were an encouragement to the young people to keep on being faithful in spite of many temptations along the way. There was a good spirit in the group, and Bro. Friend is doing an excellent job with the teens. Sunday, June 3: Services at the Old Paths Bible Baptist Church in Holley, New York with Pastor Joe Cammilleri went well. During Sunday School quite a few babies were dedicated and Dad was able to give the dedicatory prayer. In worship service we sang and Dad preached wonderfully. We enjoyed food, fellowship, and fun with members of the church who gathered at the Barkowskis house in Rochester. We spent a few more days with the Barkowskis and others nearby and were thankful for some time off. Wednesday, June 3-Saturday, June 9: It was our privilege to be with a fairly new church in Lockport, New York. Pastor Steve Pawley and the Antioch Bible Baptist Church received our ministry kindly. They had Dad speaking twice each night--for about an hour each time. On Saturday there were split sessions with Dad speaking to the men and Mom speaking to the ladies. We spent some time with the Zielski Family in their home and it was nice to see other friends during the week. Each night there were refreshments and a time of fellowship after the services. What a blessing to see a great family-oriented church! We pray that the church was challenged to be faithful in serving the Lord with their families. Sunday, June 10: Pastor Vince Giardino and the Gospel Light Bible Baptist Church in Gates, New York, was our next stop. We arrived Saturday afternoon after leaving Lockport. We set up and then were served a delicious meal by one of the ladies in the church. The church has grown and new renovations have been made. We were amazed at the progress on the building. Pastor Giardino and his church family have been hard at work! There was a good spirit in the services on Sunday. Dad preached the worship hour and then again in the evening, and then we were all involved in providing special music. Several friends from surrounding churches came in the evening. Dad and Mom went to eat with Pastor and Mrs. Giardino afterwards, and all of the kids were left in the hands of the threesome. (uh, oh) Monday, June 10-Friday, June 15: Our departure was rather early this morning...we were heading back home to start off a week of VBS at our home church. The theme was "Anywhere with Jesus", and it looked to be a busy week. Everyone was involved in some form or fashion this year. Dad collaborated with his brother, Allen Marshall on the skits. Mom taught the 7-8 year olds class. She had sewn a Japanese kimono and faithfully wore it each night to everyone's delight. Joanna and Monica co-taught the 3-4 year olds class, running after them at the playground and elsewhere. Joanna also assisted with the songs in the main assembly. Jessica helped teach the 9-10 year old girls class, and played the piano for the main assembly. As well, Jessica and Monica helped with the skits as needed. Whew....makes us tired thinking about it again! One of the fun parts of the week was dressing up in various costumes to represent the various continents of the world. Go to the June-July 2007 category on our photo album and you can view for yourself the wonderful combinations that we were able to come up with. At least it made the week a little more authentic--and the kids seemed to like it, as well. There were several saved during the week. We picked up several new kids at a housing development in Kingwood. Jessica went to the wrong door trying to find a girl who had attended in the past, and was able to invite two other boys who had never been to our church. It was exciting to watch them get into the activity, and Lord willing, they will continue to come. Sunday, June 17: Father's Day was spent at the Old Paths Bapt. Ch. in West Chester, Pennsylvania, not far from Philadelphia. We've known Pastor Mike Keenan and his family for many years. On this Sunday, Dad preached and we sang all day. The church seemed to respond to the Word given out and we were thankful to the Keenans for opening their home to us. We spent some extra time with Bro. Cler and his family who hosted us in their home after the evening service. It was fun to get to know them a little better. On Tuesday, Jessica flew to California to visit friends, and the rest of the family stayed home and kept things moving. They put on a shower for their cousin by marriage, Heather Marshall, who had little Zachary Marshall on June 11. (Heather is married to Joel, our cousin.) Monday, June 25-Thursday, June 28: Pete & Julia and family came to visit the following week. The weather was extremely warm, so the kids enjoyed a trip to Cheat River where Papa tried to teach the "city slickers" how to swim. Another day most of the kids went to a friend's pool and to the park, while others spent time shooting. Various hikes were taken on intervals, much to the kids chagrin. After church on Wednesday night, we piled into the van to head home and drop off several kids from the neighborhood who had ridden to church with us. Dad started the engine...there was a loud snap, then a loud rattle. Nope, didn't sound good. Thank the Lord, our cousin, Janna, was still around and was able to take the kids home while we rode with Pastor in his van. Of course, Pete & Julia were waiting and wondering where we were. Upon entering the house, we tried to turn on the lights, only to quickly find out that our electric had gone off during a thunderstorm. There was a quick scramble for flashlights and candles. In spite of hardly being able to see one another, (which may have been a good thing) we still had a fun evening with ice cream, a small concert by the Montoros, and a few random skits. Uncle Allen, Aunt Janet, and Janna joined us and we all had a nice time. By the way...the lights did come back on later, just as we were getting ready for bed. Hmm. By the way, the van was towed to the shop and the problem found and corrected...we hope. It's been a busy month, and one to remember!