A Full Sunday
We had a pretty full schedule this past Sunday. We headed up on over the mountain to be with Pastor Bill Foster and Freeport King James Bible Baptist Church in Terra Alta, West Virginia. The road the church is on is three miles long and on this particular day, was quite icy. Thank the Lord we didn't slide off the road!
The morning service was well attended and we sang and preached. We love to come and be with the people of Freeport King James BBC, and Pastor Foster is such a prayer warrior. We have made many happy memories here.
This church is small, yet always faithful to listen to our many mistakes and blunderings. We have found that you can pretty much to do anything here and no one seems to mind if it's a little shaky sounding!
Another blessing is that they always prepare such tasty meals. There is usually a real big one right after the morning service, which makes it hard to come back in and stay awake for the afternoon service. We managed to do so, however.
A few of the girls were a little tired and so during one song, something got them to laughing. They tried to compose themselves and continue, only to dissolve into laughter yet again. The attempt was made several times, to no avail. That's when you just give up and go to the next song, right? Right! Poor Dad and Mom were unaware of what was exactly so funny...
Dad preached with liberty. There were more food items and desserts to consume, and then we were on our way. We had planned to head to our home church to hear a missionary preach (one our church supports). We arrived in time, but apparently the missionary wasn't there yet. He still hadn't shown up as the service began. Pastor Cumberland was at a loss to know what to do at first, but quickly decided to preach a short ten-minute message, then allow Dad and our Uncle Allen Marshall (Dad's youngest brother) to preach as well. Talk about short notice! It was a special service in spite of all of the confusion. We heard testimonies from our church family and it was a sweet time together.
We returned home tired, but happy to be in the service of the King.