Pennsylvania Revival

This past week was full of many services, fellowship, and great food. We spent a week at the Countryside Baptist Church in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania, with Pastor Don Pendley and his church family. Though attendance was slightly low as far as extra visitors go, (We suspect the gas prices had something to do with it.), we still enjoyed being with the members at Countryside and being able to minister to them. They were very friendly folk and fed us till we almost busted! (Wait, is that the right word?) One night we had a small jam session with a few young people from the church. The last night was youth night, but we had to leave a bit early for home, so we missed being able to talk with the teens. We were very grateful to Pastor & Mrs. Pendley, who opened up their home to us for the entire week. They shared their home and heart with us, and we were blessed to get to know them a bit better. During our stay in Punxsutawney, we were privileged to learn more about "Punxsy Phil" and his sidekick, Phyllis. There is a very intriguing celebration every year on February 2. A grand ceremony is held at Gobbler's Knob during which "Punxsy Phil" is brought out and in clear "Groundhogese" tells the head guy of the "Inner Circle" whether he has seen his shadow or not. If he has, it means there will be six more weeks of winter. If he hasn't, Spring will arrive early. We were glad to be able to "meet" Punsxy Phil and Phyllis. Though they were both sleeping soundly.... We also made a stop at the official Gobbler's Knob, where our own version of the ceremonies was filmed. We wish we could share that with one and all, but alas, it is not to be. You will have to just settle for pictures! As you can see, we had a full week at Countryside Baptist. We pray that the Lord used us in some small way to be a blessing to this church.