32 Years of God's Presence

This past month marks the thirty-second year that our family has been in evangelism. It is hard to believe that much time has passed. We look back and marvel at all that the Lord has allowed us to do in thirty-two years. It is only by His grace, and His grace alone that we continue to serve Him. God was there on September 23, 1976, when the first turn of the wheel on that old 1948 Oneida bus led our family of eight (at the time) out of the church parking lot at Old Church in Lynbrook, New York. With three adults and six little girls, we started out in the ministry to which the Lord had led us. God was there when we ran out of money time and again, waiting for the next support check. He was there when Dad decided to use the tithe money to get a meal for our family...and met the church janitor who told him about the church's pantry, where we loaded up on bags of groceries. He was there when we received so many groceries at another church that the aisle in the bus was filled to overflowing. God was there when the oldest son and seventh child had spinal meningitis and was taken to a clinic that did not diagnose the problem correctly. He was there when Dad held Jonathan in his arms and told Mom that he was dying. He was there when the ambulance ran speeding to a better hospital in Gainesville, Florida. He was there with us when we spent three months living in a mobile home park while Jonathan recovered. God was there when the bus we were leasing had to be taken back to Cincinnati, Ohio, even though we planned to buy it with help from Bro. Lester Roloff. He was there when we drove it back from Texas and then used several rooms in our home church to live in when we had no other vehicle. God was there when three more children were added to the family and the ministry. He was there as Mom home-schooled the children and practice sessions were held daily. He was there as each child was taught to serve the Lord, and each added his part to the whole. God was there when our family was headed to Oregon for a meeting and found out that the meeting was canceled enroute. We went on anyway, and spent several months at that church. The pastor scheduled us in some churches in California, and thus began our West Coast part of the ministry. God was there when the burden for a video ministry was pressed on Dad's heart and he began to record campmeetings along with our own songs, preaching, and drama. He was there as we produced programs for Bro. Ralph Sexton, Sr., and his broadcast in Asheville, North Carolina. He was there when the burden for making a movie became a reality--months spent with a family in Texas during the shooting of the film, "Pray for Daddy". The meals and needs of two large families (and others) were taken care of as Mom prayed daily for food. God was there when the ministry grew to reach all fifty U.S. Continental States, along with several other foreign countries. He was there when we took multiple trips to Mexico and Canada, recorded two Spanish CDs, and learned songs in Spanish, French, and Pidgen. He was there when the souls were saved and lives were changed. God was there when the right rear tire on the van blew, pulling our brand new Avion trailer off the road and taking 50 feet of fence with it...and twisting the van at an angle to face the opposite direction from which it had just come. He was there as we found money hanging in the trees next to the wreck, gathered clothing covered in sewage out of the trailer, and rescued the harp where it had been tied with bungee cords to one wall. God was there as we ministered in hundreds of churches, preaching, singing, and using drama, skits, and puppet shows to minister to hearts. He was there as we recorded 25 CDs and produced 5 singing DVDs, not counting extended family recordings. He was there as we followed His plan and allowed Him to make us a testimony of what He can do when one family surrenders to Him. For all He's done, for all He is, we give Him all the praise!