Recent Meetings
Saturday-Monday, May 23-25: May was a slow month for The Marshall Sisters. Our one and only meeting last month was at the Troy Baptist Church in Garrettsville, Ohio, where Bro. James Beatty pastors. Once again, we had a wonderful time with the great people of Troy Baptist.
We arrived Saturday afternoon after driving in from West Virginia. With the help of the pastor's grandson, Josh, we soon had a few of our mics set up and were plugged into their system. We then headed over to the Fahrni's house. Bro. & Mrs. Fahrni are such a sweet couple and we always enjoy our time with them. They usually put us up while we are at this special Memorial weekend meeting. They are a lot of fun to be around, and the giggles never seem to stop!
There was a big meal at the church that evening, with services following. We like to hear the Cook Family from MI sing--they have seven children and almost all of them sang this weekend. Sunday services were a blessing as we were able to hear Bro. Ron Royalty preach. They had their usual morning services, then the school program in the early afternoon. This program is an annual event and the kids do an amazing job. This year the theme was "I Believe" and evolution was dealt a deadly blow through the recitations and songs. A meal was served afterwards, then we had a leisurely evening.
Monday morning we heard Pastor Ben Townsend preach and the services were uplifting. Another great meal was served, and then a round of volleyball games ensued. We left in the late afternoon and headed to Toledo, Ohio, to spend some time with our brother, Jonathan, and his family. Brad and Deborah Wells (our fourth sister) and their family were there, as well. Having them there was an unexpected treat and we had fun spending some time together.
Sunday, June 7: This Saturday the five of us--Dad, Mom, and the Sisters--drove up to Ohio together to be with Pastor Don Snow and Calvary Baptist in New Philadelphia. We haven't been at very many meetings as a family this year...and the girls' new Subaru was quite crammed. This vehicle has a bit more toe space than the last one, thank the Lord. We did make one quick stop before arriving and that was to meet with our former pastor, Bro. Tommy Trammel, at Cracker Barrel for a brief time. (He had to preach a funeral in PA and wasn't too far from us.) He is still going strong after all these years and we caught up a bit on the news over cold lemonade and tea. Then it was time to head out.
We hadn't been with Pastor Snow and Calvary Bapt. for almost eight years. They have added on to the present building. Seems like the work is going well there. Pastor Snow talked with us for a while Saturday night after we had arrived safely and we had a good time of fellowship. Dad spoke in Sunday School and in the evening service. We sang all day. Brad and Deb came with their family and a great family friend, Stella Cline, this evening. The Wells did a special number and it was a blessing to watch the whole family sing. We all enjoyed some time of food and games in the gym afterwards. (Of course, we won't say how late the girls stayed up talking that night...)
Then it was "off home again" to West Virginia and a special week with the Wells. How precious the time was with them...they leave this fall for Papua, New Guinea, and their third term there as missionaries. We are so proud of them and thankful for their dedication to the Lord, but how we will miss them!
Check out pictures from these events here.