Notes from the Ohio Trip, Part 4
And to catch you up some more...
Saturday-Sunday, September 19-20: After our long week of family time in Berlin Heights, Ohio, the five of us drove to Cincinnati, Ohio. We were expected at the Hartwell Baptist Church for a teen meeting this evening. We arrived with just enough time to grab a quick bite to eat at Frisch's Big Boy with Pastor Tommy Trammel and his wife, Leah. The meeting went well, and there was a time of fellowship afterwards.
We have known the Trammels for many years. In fact, Dad went to BBC with Bro. Trammel in the '50s. Fast forward to the late 1970s: after traveling for about a year in evangelism, our home church folded up. It was Pastor Trammel, who was pastoring in Cincinnati at that time (but at a different church), who invited us to join his church. Thus Deer Park Baptist Church became our home in more ways than one. At one point, we ended up having to live in the church basement, as we had no bus and had to travel in a van for a while. The Trammels and many other friends at the Deer Park Bapt. Ch. helped us in many ways. We have many memories of the old church. Back in those days, there was much video work that was filmed at that building, us younger kids played for hours in the church nurseries, the long room on the side of the auditorium with the shelves of books became our "library", the three oldest siblings graduated at Deer Park, our oldest sister, Julia was married there...and the list could go on.
How wonderful to see Pastor & Mrs. Trammel still serving the Lord after all these years. They traveled in evangelism themselves for quite a while, and then when the need arose for a pastor at Hartwell, the Lord directed Pastor Trammel's steps here. We saw many friends and members from the Deer Park days who have joined at Hartwell and are once again serving with Pastor Trammel.
We sang all day on Sunday and Dad preached. We enjoyed reminiscing with Pastor Trammel's oldest son, Mark, & his wife, Jan. His daughter, Missy, and her husband, Larry, came in the evening service. After the services on Sunday evening, we met at Frisch's Big Boy once again. "Uncle Larry" treated "his girls" to the famous hot fudge cake a la mode. We licked our plates clean, trust me.
After eating breakfast with the Trammels the following morning, we hit the road and made it safely back home once again. Our three-week tour of Ohio was completed, and we had much for which to thank the Lord.