Midwestern Tour, Part II
Sunday AM, May 23: Arrived in Manhattan....Kansas, that is. We ate at an Italian type buffet with Pastor Steve Henderson, his family, and another couple from the church. Sunday morning was busy and full, but we felt that the Lord used the music today.
Sunday PM, May 23: It was a bit of a drive this afternoon to get to the Heritage Baptist Church in Lawrence, KS. Folks here were real kind and we tried to rest a bit before the service tonight. We did quite a bit of singing during the service, and then sang during the ice cream social the church was having. Not many could hear us, but we did the best we could without a P.A. system. This church has grown quite a bit, and they are building a new auditorium. The work seems to be going forward and that is a blessing to see.
We were able to rest on Monday, catch up on our business work a bit, and spend some time in fellowship with some of the single ladies here at the church.
Tuesday, May 25: For seventeen years, our family was a part of the Deer Park Baptist Church in Cincinnati, Ohio. We practically grew up in that church, and actually lived in the basment for a while when we did not have a bus. Pastor Tommy Trammel was always gracious to us, and he still is to this day. Ohio is still home to us in a lot of ways.
Pastor Trammel's grandson, Jon Mark Trammel, is now pastoring in Glenwood, Missouri. It was through Pastor Trammel, Sr., that we made the contact with Bro. Jon Mark. What a blessing to meet the Jon Mark Trammel family and to watch the Trammel and Marshall families meet after so many years...and see how the Lord has kept us still serving Him! We had so much fun meeting the sweet people of Friendship Baptist Church. Our hostess for the night was so very kind. Meeting people like this along the way has been one of the sweetest things about traveling.
Wednesday-Thursday, May 26-27: We headed on to Rockford, IL, and the Great Berean Baptist Church. Pastor Melvin Swanson and Berean have always been such a help to our family over the years. It was a bit nostalgic tonight to sing one more time together here. The good people of Berean are like family to us and we have shared a whole bunch of awesome memories with them--at Camp Berean and at the church.
We sang Wednesday along with a tour group from Golden State Baptist College who were in for the evening. Pastor Mark had us sing at the end and it was hard not to keep from shedding tears. We were able to spend some time with the teens on Thursday evening. Matt & Julie (our younger brother and his family) came to the Youth Activity as well. (We grabbed some time with them during the day as we could.) Matt sang with us some and preached tonight, as well. We tried to slip in a few moments to watch some old footage from Camp Berean videos. Wow. The skits were really...dumb, and the hairstyles and clothes were horrendous! What those campers had to put up with from the Marshall Family...they ought to receive rewards in Heaven.
Friday, May 28: We stopped in Toledo today to spend some time with Jon & Jess (our other brother and family). It was a long drive, but we made it and enjoyed some more family time.
Saturday-Monday, May 29-31: Dad and Mom joined us at this, our last meeting together for who knows how long! We sang Saturday evening at the Church at Troy in Garrettsville, Ohio. Pastor James Beatty and his church family always have a great Memorial Day Weekend meeting and we have been a part for several years now. Dad preached Saturday evening and did an excellent job. We sang again on Sunday, alternately between Dad and Mom doing duets, the Sisters doing some, and then a few family numbers. The church here always has a Graduation service on Sunday followed by a delicious meal. On Monday they have morning services, a meal, and then a time of relaxation.
We finished up on Monday, packed up the two Subarus, and headed for home. We had had a full schedule, but the Lord had protected and provided. If you prayed for us, we thank you, and may the Lord bless you for it! The Marshall Sisters tours have come to an end (at least for the forseeable future!) but we pray that God will continue to bring fruit from our travels. Continue to pray for us as we serve Him elsewhere.